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Programme Outcomes (POs) & Course Outcomes (COs)

Library Staff

Academic/ Teaching Staff:

Name Designation Qualification Research & Publication Administrative and & Teaching Experience Others


LIBRARIAN M.A (First Class First), MLIS, B.Ed. Click Here Click Here Click Here

Supporting Staff:

Name Sr. LD Office Asstt. (Casual Fulltime) Qualification

Mr. Akbar Ali

Sr. LD Office Asstt. (Casual Fulltime) B.A

Mr. Jiban Krishna Saha

Sr. LD Office Asstt. (Casual Fulltime) B. Com., B. Lib.

Library Resources

Library Resources:

Our library is one of the richest libraries by its resources and users. Approximately 50,000 (fifty thousand) documents including 42,000 (forty-two thousand) books (including DVDs, Maps, text, reference, fiction, non-fiction and others) and rest are periodicals (Journals, magazines, weekly, newspaper etc.) are in the library as on November, 2023. Besides the Library has the membership of N-List (INFLIBNET), which gives access of different databases for E-Books and E-Journals.

Library services:

The College Library tries its best to provide better services each time within its resources. Besides circulation of documents, the library staffs also try to provide documents on content basis to the students for saving their time. Besides, reference services, information on demand, referral services are also provided to the users. Users’ orientation programme on different topic also organised time to time. Reprographic, photo shot also provided to them. Seminar and induction programmes also organised to enrich knowledge.

Library Notice

Library Rules

Library Rules – For the proper use and smooth functioning of the library, the users have to followed the following Library rules –

1. Silence of the Library shall be followed strictly.
2. No documents shall be issued without Library card.
3. Library card is not transferable. Suitable action may be taken if such happened.
4. Library documents shall be used fairly. Destroy or damage Library property including writing, drawing, lining, tracing on books/ documents shall not be entertained in any circumstances.
5. Students (NEP - 2020) are allowed to borrow two (02) books/ documents for 15 days at home and one (01) for reading room on daily basis.
6. Teachers are entitled for fifteen (15) books/ documents for 30 days at home and two (02) for daily basis.
7. Ex-students, information seekers, researchers, book lovers from local area or community may use Library on terms and conditions.
8. Borrowing limits and time shall be maintained strictly.
9. Renewal of documents may be considered on terms of availability.
10. Signature of the users in the visitor’s register is mandatory.
11. If documents lost, decision of the College/ Library competent authority shall be considered as final.
12. Library clearance is compulsory to obtain mark-sheet in each year.
13. Periodical are not for home issue, but may avail on certain terms and conditions.
14. Library membership may be cancelled or suspended for any unfair means or due non- compliance of Library rules.
15. If Library Card is lost, do not delay to inform your Librarian. You may get another card by fulfilling some formalities.
16. General reference books are not borrowed. Subject reference books may have allowed for issue on terms of availability.

Get Your Library Card

Not a member of the Library yet? Do not have a Library Card? Don’t worry! To get a Library card click here-https://forms.gle/JAKd8jPxUo2Vx7cX8 and fill out the form properly. Then contact your librarian along with your Identity Card or Verified Fees Collection Slip after 2 or three working days. If you are eligible, then you will get a Library Card very soon, get it and enjoy the Library Facilities and Services.

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